YouTube New Monetization Update 2023

YouTube New Monetization Update 2023

Youtube going to change Ads Monetisation Policy In Youtube Parterner Program 2023

As you aware that till now to join Youtube Parterner Program

Your Channel must Complete 4000 hours watch time & 1000 subscribers

Then you are eligible for Youtube Parterner Program

This Rule applicable for only those creator who make long videos on Youtube

New rules applicable from  January  2023

Good news for YouTube Shorts Creators 

 YouTube Shorts also will be the part of YPP from 2023

To Monetize YouTube Shorts Channel creators must have 1000 subscribers and  10 million views in 90 days  

Shorts Creators also Monetize with ads and get revenues

For YouTube Shorts Revenues Percentage of Share will be 45% to creator and 55% to YouTube 

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